
07718 326 765

Business & Personal Coaching

What Is Coaching?

Coaching is a simple, fast and effective means to change your life for the better.

It helps you break with the past and create a compelling future.

We work together within a thought-provoking and creative process that will inspire you to maximise both your personal and professional development. You can expect to experience fresh perspectives on personal challenges and opportunities, alongside enhanced thinking and decision-making skills as well as increased interpersonal effectiveness and increased confidence in carrying out your chosen work and life roles.

Coaching uses a process of inquiry and personal discovery to build your levels of awareness and responsibility whilst at the same time providing you with structure, support and feedback

How Long Does The Coaching Relationship Last ?

Personal coaching can last as long or as little as you want. A few coaching sessions are certainly better than none, and sometimes you can see fast results. Coaching can be a one off session or be part of an ongoing relationship that focusses on you taking action towards realising your vision, goals, desires and aspirations

Many of my clients choose to work with me over a few months and some have stayed for several years. For most people, once they see how useful coaching with me is for themselves personally or for their business, they consider the investment well worth it.

Career coaching tends to be less long term and can be built flexibly to suit your needs particularly through a period of career transition or when you find yourself at a crossroads.

What are the BENEFITS of COACHING?

You will get the most out of coaching when you are committed to your success and you are willing to be accountable to your coach. When you really want to make the changes and are willing to invest the time and resources to make them happen, you will see amazing benefits in your life.

WHAT CAN you WORK with me on?

The list really is endless so as a starting point let me give you some examples of the areas I have worked with clients on in the past:

  • Manage your time more effectively
  • Stop putting up with what is draining you
  • Gain forward momentum in your personal and professional life
  • Start a business
  • Grow your business
  • Change your job or advance your career
  • Set goals that really matter to you and
  • Become more effective and focused in reaching your goals
  • Increased confidence
  • Communication skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Get better results with less effort

Do You Work On Personal, Professional Or Business Goals?

I don’t mean to be flippant with my response to this question but I whole heartedly believe that personal and professional matters influence each other. One size doesn’t fit all so your sessions will be tailored specifically to your requirements.

I will coach you on whatever is important to you at the moment.

As a Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner and Master Results Coach, as well as having many years of business and personal experience, I have a vast range of tools and techniques which will produce powerful and measurable on going results for you. We can work together face to face, over the phone or internet or a combination to suit your requirements and schedule.

For your personal and professional development I have a number of customised courses and workshops which you can access through my public workshop programme. These can also be delivered in-house to corporate organisations, SME’s and individuals.
